Burned Out

December is a whirlwind of a month over here at casa Fibre Muse. A good chunk of friends and family chose this time of year to be born, so the whole month is just me bouncing from house to house with well wishes while furiously knitting to the Christmas deadline and laughing nervously when someone points out there are ‘only x days to Christmas!’. Well, I did finish the knitting (3 stockings, a Celestarium and a hat) but in true me fashion neglected to take pictures before they went off to live with their recipients, so you’ll just have to take my word on it.

I do have some pictures though! I finished all the parts of the purple baby cardie


All it needs now is blocking and seaming up. But that’s the thing. I hate seaming up. Setting in sleeves makes me feel so nauseous I would rather just fling the purple cardie into a bag in a wardrobe and merrily go about my business, responding with a wide-eyed ‘what cardigan?’ when asked about its whereabouts.
I thought on this a little while, and decided that if I just knit things in one piece there would be no reason for seaming. So I hauled off and knit…another baby cardigan

the back panel of which completely charms me. I’m so proud of this little raglan, it represents two different things I learned. Number one is raglans can be knit with decreases instead of seams, and number two is how to cable without a cable needle. All this needs is a good blocking, buttons and the ends weaving in, which is not seaming and therefore acceptable.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and 2017 grants all of your wishes!


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